Apple Store Chicago: The most modern one yet
Apple Store just came to the riverfront to the Chicago on 20th October. The store is all made up of glass on the riverfront. Every aspect of the store focuses on blurring the lines between the city and river. You can feel like they’re one, you can just go down the river and take a swim (don’t though!). Other than being another store made with a big ass budget and latest materials. The store takes a huge step towards “The Chicago Series” program. Merging the technology and liberal arts together. They say it’s the best one yet. Well, their bet.

A Castle of Glass?

Walls have ears. Well, now they can see as much as they can hear. The Apple Store is all glass with a huge carbon fiber roof on the top. Made as THIN as possible, cause it’s Apple? All this supported by just four pillars inside the structure. To push their merging agenda even forward. The staircase is also facing riverfront. You can feel like going closer and closer to the river when you go down.

Like all big stores, this one also has a huge screen intended for product information and adverts. (Hope they don’t display iPod shuffle 3rd Generation.) Other than that, they have divided the products into sections. You can try on iPhone Cases of various size and material on your phones. Same goes for the iPad covers. Apple has found a new love for photography products and a different section for essentials. Accouterments or Essentials features accessories like plugs, chargers, and adapters. Hell, do I not wanna see Air Pods FLOATING in the air!
Apple Stores also think about your fitness

The Apple Store also takes care of your health now. Alongside the standard short oak white tools, they have leather walls. Work on your core while you’re in the store. They should really have these on the outside when they release new iPhones. At least THOSE PEOPLE in lines for days will have something good to do. Even if they don’t get the new iPhone, they’ll leave for home with little less tummy fat!
Apple Store Chicago has a boardroom too
They also have installed a boardroom (cause why not!). The room has muted lights with a video screen and all kinds of artwork. I hope you take it for granted that they have a board table too. Oh, they have those lame ORCHIDS too. Hey, I think Orchids are elegant. Just got a lot of bad blood with them. Apple intended the boardroom to ideally be used by technology entrepreneurs and coders. Well, they can hold their meetings there too. Cause they have like 280 of those in the United States.

Yes, I got on the Store List page on the Apple’s website took out my calculated and COUNTED all the damn stores. So while doing that I also found they have a store IN Chandler and one in Tulsa too. They even have one in Albuquerque, a better place to launder than that Car Wash shop of Walter. Apple stores are often claimed as architecture marvels. No, not by me but there was one course I was doing on Architecture from ETH Zürich. They mentioned it like every day. I agree they are great but really THAT good? What you think, tell me down below!