Cyberpunk 2077 is Alive
Believe it or not, it has been five years since CD Projekt Red announced Cyberpunk 2077 and we still don’t know anything. Wait!! What??? Yes!!! Rumors, hints, and whispers of CD Projekt Red’s upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 have been popping up again and again, but still, nothing official confirmed by the developers.

Cyberpunk 2077 is furthermore the most anticipated games. First of all, its announcement was way back in 2012 after which another slick teaser trailer release during 2013. In addition, people are starving by waiting for developers to announce the details of Cyberpunk. Seems like CDPR developers aren’t afraid to make bold statements.
The Internet lost its mind when finally, the developer posted an official message on twitter for the first time in five years. Was the tweet a trailer? A release date? An official notification? No…..the tweet was a simple onomatopoeic word *beep*.

What is Cyberpunk 2077?
Cyberpunk 2077 is the latest IP developed by CD Projekt Red. Since it is based on “Pen and Paper” RPG Cyberpunk 2020 created by Mike Pondsmith published in 1990. Game-play wise it is an open world RPG played either from first or third person perspective.
The game is much bigger than The Witcher 3
Wild Hunt. Furthermore, CD Projekt Red has been keeping the cards close to their chest to keep the information of the game a secret if the rumours are true, we might also see Cyberpunk at E3 in 2018.
The players also gain a series of skills, abilities, and enhancements required for communication among inhabitants of the city. In addition, this uses a digital recording device called Braindance. As a result, the players can adapt their skills matching their favoured style to incorporate them into combat.
Gamers are holding their breath in anticipation for which platforms game will support when it re-emerges. Dare we hold our breath for Cyberpunk 2018 release? Either way, Cyberpunk 2077 will go a toe-to-toe with the blockbusters. Make sure you stay updated on the latest most worthy CDPR tweets on the upcoming RPG by one and only Witcher Series creators.