Nvidia: All-Time High

The chip maker is doing exceptionally good at Wall Street. So good that the stocks have soared up to 650% of the previous value. Making this Nvidia’s second all-time high this season. The stocks were given the best estimate of analysts of $210 but it overpasses that to reach $250 a piece. It’s not an accident but a result of well-measured decisions at right times. The company is going for the AI Chip Market. That’s may seem surprising but it’s not that out of the bubble of what Nvidia is doing recently. Everyone was expecting this.

Backed by Financers
The Bank of America backed the soaring by of Nvidia with the plain and simple fact. Nvidia will not justice be one of the major players. But the dominant player in the AI chip market worth over $30 billion dollars. If that doesn’t make them soar up to 650% I don’t know what will. Every shareholder in Nvidia should look forward to long-term investment. Instead of focusing on day-to-day fluctuations.

Nvidia: A long journey
The company has come a long way from a prominent computer graphic chip company. To be the major player in AI chipsets. It gets on with the fact that they are flexible and know how to adapt to the growing market. Sensing where the rapid innovation is taking them in this world, they’ve vested themselves in quite a lot of industries which a conventional computer hardware company won’t think of like the automotive industry. They made their market there too with self-driving cars. Getting deals with Audi to make their car’s user experience better. And even after that, it’s not like they stayed at a point of stagnation in the industry which made them strong. They’ve set their foot in the gaming industry around a decade ago and they’re the leading gaming hardware makers. It would be safe to say that they’ve made a pretty good name for themselves. A brand we can trust when it comes to hardware.

Competition Dominator
Nvidia is crushing the competition posed by other major players in Artificial Intelligence industry. Like Google also has AI chipsets. But they’re too focused, on contrary Nvidia’s chipsets can be more generally used for all purposes. You don’t have to be an AI researcher to get most out of the chipsets. They have a more generalized domain. Now the thing we looking forward to is how Nvidia will tweak the AI gameplay. We may witness a more rapid AI integration in future. One thing is for sure, they do make things cooler and worth it but expensive.